Quality | Efficiency | Integrity
We provide our international high-end clients with high quality security and protective services. This is what they expect and this is what they need to be able to live and work in safety.
The extraordinary environment and circumstances of our clients’ personal and professional lives asks for a special kind of operators and advisers that provide them with security services.
We have a selection process and we are very strict in picking the right people for this demanding but rewarding work.
If you want to be more than average, want to commit yourself to a demanding but very special task and team, contact us ! But please read this page thouroughly first ! To be able to provide our clients with services of the high standards they may expect, we are very strict with our demands.The minimum requirements are listed. They are not negotiable.
1. Your background
You have a background within one of the following:
- European armed forces, with at least 2 overseas conflict zone deployments in military profession roles.
- European special forces.
- European police or military police, close protection, observation, intervention or other specialised tasks.
- Dutch government intelligence services.
2. Skillset
You have all the following competencies:
- Close protection officer trained and experienced.
- Specialisation. Every operator has a specialisation within the team. For example; teamleader, security driver, medic, observation specialist, communications specialist etc.
- Medical training. Basic first aid is not enough. We need our operators to be able to execute advanced lifesaving actions. MIRA, advanced TCCC, CLS and similar are the bare minimum.
- Multilingual and English speaking. We work worldwide. You need to be able to conversate and write in English fluently and at least two other languages of which one is Dutch, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, or Mandarin Chinese.
3. Administrative requirements
All of the following are non-negotiable requirements:
- European passport
- European or international driver’s license
- Immaculate criminal record
- Discharge papers from military or governmental service
- References of former employments and service
4. Personality
A combination of all following:
- High level of (action) intelligence.
- ‘Can do, will do’ attitude.
- Mature and self reliant, able to operate alone and far from home for extended periods.
- Professional mindset.
- Teamplayer.
- Down to earth.
- Analytic mindset and an active asset to the team.
- High sense of ethics and moral action.
- Standards and etiquette are second nature, being comfortable and able to excel in different social environments.
- You are good, you look good, and you dress well.
Acies International careers
Please, let us be clear. The stated requirements are the absolute minimum. This demanding task asks for much more than the hard skills. It asks for a very special personality and extraordinary skills and mindset.
If you think you have what it takes, please send your cv and motivational letter to
We only respond to job enquiries meeting the requirements and sent to our careers department by mail.